




The individual consulting process is agreed with the customer depending on the scope of the project and will generally follow the steps as follows:


        1. Define Goals & Measures
          First step is to agree on the main purposes of your organization and how the achievement of goals is measured. This includes the question what activities are the most time and resource consuming now and where the main challenges and barriers to achieving goals are seen. The result of step one is to agree on where to start the analysis and how to measure the contribution of processes, communication and dataflow to results.

        2. Analyze Dataflow & Processes
          Focus is to analyze the processes agreed in step one by their contribution to the defined goals and whether the software, data and communication tools used are necessary, supportive and aligned with the processes. Result of step two is to list possible discrepancies between the processes and tools used including possible alternatives.

        3. Agree Priorities
          In step three the result of the analysis is presented and the priorities what processes and/or related tools and communication policies are agreed. Result of step three is to have a map of processes aligned with the necessary software and tools contributing to the goals of the organization.

        4. Adapt Dataflow or Processes
          Step 4 implements the map agreed in step three.