


Contact:  Berthold Spitzbart
Company:  RIS - Relevant Information Services
Address:  Atzgersdorferstraße 169, 1230 Vienna, Austria
Email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Telefon:  +43 664 4528312



 Where can RIS help you:


  • You intend to introduce a new solution and want to be sure about the implication on the flow of Information and the processes in your organization?  
  • You are a solution provider looking for a partner supporting your customer in the efficient introduction of your solution?  
  • You intend to improve your Knowledge or Content Management? 
  • You want to optimize the customer focusing processes and procedures?
  • You want to raise the Innovation potential of your organization?
  • You want to check the Information in your company for risks and opportunities? 
  • You want to stop the cost of handling irrelevant Information?



Consulting is offered at the site of the customer. Telefon and online contact is for free.





The conditions for partnerships are agreed on a case by case basis.